As a former Headteacher of 3 Schools, a School Improvement Lead in a MAT and a leadership coach and facilitator, I know how busy school leadership is and when you're looking for support you want to find it fast! Find out more about services I offer by choosing from one of my 3 core elements of work below. If you would like to find out more, or talk to Emma about working together book a call here, or contact us using the form at the bottom of this page.

Click here to find out more about Supervision and Coaching, and how we can support you, your team and your school.

Click here to find out more about EYFS consultancy and how we can support the exploration of autonomous learning into KS1 and beyond.

Click her to find out about training and key note speeches including on demand options, insets and bespoke options.

Hello! Great to have you here!

Emma Lewry Ltd was founded to build collaborative and empowering relationships which support school leaders to thrive in their roles and deliver impactful improvements in their schools. 

We offer: 

  • Leadership Supervision and coaching,
  • Training and Key Notes, 
  • Early Years Consultancy,
  • Autonomous curriculum support for Primary Schools,
  • The Embedding Formative Assessment Programme working with SSAT.

Find out more about each service below. If you would like to find out more, or talk to Emma about working together book a call here, or contact us using the form at the bottom of this page.

Click here to find out more about Supervision and Coaching, and how we can support you, your team and your school.

Click here to find out more about EYFS consultancy and how we can support the exploration of autonomous learning into KS1 and beyond.

Click her to find out about training and key note speeches including on demand options, insets and bespoke options.

About Emma:

In her work Emma brings her values of kindness, connection, creativity and commitment along with a dose of humour and fun.

She wholeheartedly believes there is truth in the cheesy statements;

‘teamwork makes the dream work’ and ‘we’re here for a good time, not a long time’!

Emma founded Emma Lewry Ltd. having left Headship in 2023 to create impact on leaders well-being and access to support through Supervision, Coaching and training work including key note speeches focussed on connection, trauma informed leadership and finding joy. She also wanted to offer innovative and manageable options for Early Years and Autonomous curriculum support, because there is always a different way to do things! You can read about her journey in the two blogs; Why did you leave Headship? and Why did you leave Headship? 1 year on.

We hope you find the information here useful and would love to discuss working with you for supervision or consultancy support. Get in touch via the contact form or by booking a call.

Contact us

If you would like to contact Emma to discuss collaborating, current offers or bespoke support for your school or Trust please use the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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