Welcome to the Stories of School Leadership blog. Here I share some of my own experiences of leadership in schools and, over time, will add those of others. If you can find 5 minutes with a cuppa I hope you will find inspiration, shared experiences and connection within the stories I share. Do connect and send your thoughts over to me via the contact form at the bottom, I'd love to hear your experiences too. ~ Emma ~

Continuous Provision Case Study at Stoke Primary School - Blog 1

Continuous Provision Case Study at Stoke Primary School - Blog 1


In this first blog of a year long series, I will share an introduction to the project I am working on with Stoke Primary School, alongside the wonderful Ellen Parker, Assistant Headteacher and curriculum lead. We will explore the inception of the project, our implementation planning to date, and aims for the project. While this blog is collated by myself (Emma), it is a shared project with much input from Ellen including quotes and sections written by her. We view this project as a joint exploration and evaluation, which we plan to blog at least half termly about, and we are excited to share it with you.

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Why did you leave headship? 1 year on!

Why did you leave headship? 1 year on!


When I wrote the ‘Why did you leave headship?’ blog a year ago, it was an honest and raw perspective of where I was and why I made the decision I did. So may people asked me this question back then and have continued to ever since! Almost 1 year on, I’m writing this on the train on the way back from a networking meet up with fellow education freelancers (that still sounds odd to write that I class myself in this bracket!) and I have been reflecting on leaving, and why I left all over again. When people asked me back then I said it was because I couldn’t give what the job needed and that I wanted to prioritise my family. While that’s still true I now give more to my answers, the truth...

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